IRDR Partners

To pursue its mission and research objectives, IRDR commits to establish strong partnerships with multi-stakeholders including academia, decision-making bodies, civil societies and private sectors.

List of the IRDR Partners with MoU of Cooperation:

Alliance of Youth and Young Professionals on Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation for Disaster and Climate Resilience,  2023 - 2027

Field of Cooperation:

  1. Provide capacity building opportunities for youth and young professionals through SETI and DRR training programmes, workshops and conferences targeted towards different regions and countries.

  2. Provide a platform where youth and young professionals can contribute towards joint publications in forms of special reports, working papers and policy briefs; 

  3. Promote on each other's mission and agendas and the accomplishments of research and actions on their respective web portals and in e-Bulletins.

ISC GeoUnions Standing Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction, 2023 - 2027

Field of Cooperation:

  1. Online IRDR Lectures delivered by researchers or stakeholders from ISC GSC DRR;

  2. Joint special reports or policy briefs and research initiatives on Priority 5/6/8/9 proposed in the Research Framework from the perspectives of geo-information and geosciences;

  3. Training programmes and workshops targeted towards different regions and countries;

  4. Mutual support on the conferences held under the auspices of each of the Parties, especially on the organisation of the Gi4DM conferences and triannual IRDR Conferences;

  5. Promote on each other's agendas and accomplishments of research and actions on their respective web portals and in e-Bulletins.

Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University-The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2023 - 2027

Field of Cooperation:

  1. Develop DRR courses and technical trainings materials;

  2. Promote research exchange and cooperation between universitiesand education institutions;

  3. Support the young professionals in carrying out DRR research and practices, thus, to empower the youth participation in the implementation of Sendai Framework and Research Framework;

  4. Develop projects contributing toward multiple aspects of disaster risk reduction and response;

  5. Collaborate on building networks of disaster research institutes worldwide.

China Association for Disaster Prevention, 2021 - 2026 

Field of Cooperation:

  1. Co-organize or support each other in the workshops, forums, and conferences in the field of DRR and Emergency Response;

  2. Summarize China's experience in community DRR practice, standard setting and training, and DRR public education through the IRDR Working Paper series or IRDR Policy Brief;

  3. Explore international cooperation mechanism in particular between China and Asian Countries;

  4. Initiate the joint projects on DRR and Emergency Response;

  5. Link the Brand Activities of CADP with IRDR Lectures to invite international experts;

  6. Promote Open Science and Global DRR capacity building.

The Horizon Global Youth Development Program, 2021- 2026

Field of Cooperation:

  1. Joint academic projects;

  2. Information and visitor exchanges and web portal linkages and mutual support and promotion;

  3. Development of DRR courses and trainings;

  4. Providing internship opportunities; and

  5. Capacity building on young professionals.

The Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service Sub-Platform of International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology under the Auspices of UNESCO (IKCEST DRRKS), 2020-2025

Field of Cooperation:

  1. Joint research and data projects;

  2. Information and visitor exchanges and web portal linkages and mutual support and promotion;

  3. Development of DRR courses and trainings;

  4. Collaboration on DRR knowledge service products; and

  5. Capacity building on young professionals.

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