SiDRR, one of IRDR flagship projects, recently published a paper to introduce this programme and point out the collaboration opportunities on Journal of Mountain Science.
Citation: Lei Y, Cui P,Regmi AD, et al. (2018)An international program on Silk Road Disaster Risk Reduction – a Belt and Road initiative (2016-2020). Journal of Mountain Science 15(7).
“Silk Road Disaster Risk Reduction (SiDRR)” was established in 2016 and is funded by the Chinese Academy of Science. It aims to identify the major natural hazards in the BRCs, to study their triggering and mechanisms, to under evolution, forecast major disaster occurrences and protect the infrastructures along the Belt and Road corridors. At the same time, the project intend to create a disaster reduction framework which links research facilities from different countries thus promoting international cooperation to create more efficient and active DRR platform.
The programme adopted the objectives of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and United Nation Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and was implemented to assess disaster risk in BRCs and to propose suitable measures for disaster control which can appropriate both for an individual country and for specific sites.